Thursday, 30 January 2020

Empire Day, the result

Now that I've had a little bit of time to think about it; it went all right. I didn't have the new glasses, and the mask needed more trimming around the eyes to make wearing any glasses comfortable.

Four layers were two layers too many. I regularly had to step outside to cool down, even after shedding the raw silk coat and the scapular shortly after arrival.

One of my Santeria necklaces died; I'm not sure if the spirit they were dedicated to was annoyed with me, or if the twenty-years+ thread they were strung on just had enough and broke. Either way, I think I salvaged most of the beads.

Overall, the clothes worked. Though I felt very fat and my trousers and the skirt kept either riding up to my bra, or trying to fall down to my arse. I have no waistline worthy of the name. Meh.

Tweaks, more tweaks. I need to stop having squirrel moments and actually fix the things that're bugging me about Seppa's kit.

Anyway, photos ahead, by Paul Wilder of Violet Illuminations, who hosted the Empire Day player event. Due to no flash and low lighting, some of the images aren't well-focused; this is not a criticism. I have trimmed them to exclude others as much as possible, in part to protect their privacy, and to focus upon Seppa's costume with fewer distractions.

These were chosen strictly for me to see Seppa's costume in ways that I otherwise couldn't know.

Rear view, because it's good to see how stuff worked out.
I do like the dog in the next picture, though I think she had difficulty recognising me with the mask on, because she wasn't sure about me at first. I like to think that she recognised my voice and scent. She wasn't so happy with some others and barked and growled at them.

Gotta pet those who want to be petted.
The satchel definitely needs some work, from shortening the strap by almost a foot, to adding some patches and stains to it, because it's very dull at the moment.

Curiously, as it currently stands, Seppa isn't much into leather, all of my efforts to bring in more leather into eir overall look has ended in failure. Pouches, belts, sure. But nope on the warskirt at this time. Maybe it'll change once I'm at Anvil and with other orcs.

Empire Day was hard, because orcs don't do things solo, and Seppa was all alone amongst the humans.

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