I was going to write about the Tibetan Panel Coat, but I've gotten distracted by reading PD's Empire wiki. Specifically, the one land of the Imperial Orcs: Skarsind.
I'm playing at player events as my Imperial Orc, and I am most familiar with the Brass Coast because that's where I spent two years. So a bit of bleed from the player means that Skywise Seppa is spending at least part of the winter in the warm lands of the Freeborn. It also means that I can use some demurer sari scraps for fabric patches on Seppa's clothes.
I'm not familiar with Skarsind, so I've been reading, and rereading, and rereading again, about that region of the Empire. Partly due to dodgy memory, and also because I'm trying to grow familiar enough that I don't sound (and feel) like a clueless twit when someone asks me about Skarsind. I also feel that I need to decide where Seppa spends the majority of eir time, ie 'where's my home?' Something caught my eye in the Estermark area of Skarsind: The Weavers' Market("TWM").
I posted in the Imperial Orcs group about a potential player event set at TWM; and one of the persons who came up with TWM said that they had considered a player event, but they're too busy to make it happen. I was thinking 'it needs to be up north, where it's rocky and forested' and it happened to coincide with their thinking, which was they wanted to do it in the Lake District. I was thinking of the Peak District, simply because I've been there. Maybe a trip to the Lake District will take place sometime this year to help me better visualise TWM.
Regardless, the idea of a player event set in TWM will have to remain unfulfilled for now. I don't have the knowledge or skills to organise a player event; and the creators' ideas was a little bit different to my idea. They wanted a social with monster hunting and pit fighting (which is perfectly orcish). I was in the mind of 'invite players who are sewers and costume makers who have brought their wares up to TWM to IC-trade' but also socialise and maybe acquire, trade, or sell, lengths of fabric (which might be my Freeborn bleed).
For me, writing turns over ideas in my head. I just had another thought: since TWM also involves the trade of mana crystals and mana sites, could there not also be a discussion or a series of discussions about orcs and magic? Maybe a small delegation of Urizeni mages and magicians from other nations of the Empire to come and teach how magic could be done?
Perhaps too ambitious, perhaps it would need to run from Friday evening until Sunday afternoon, if I wanted the magical discussions, alongside the trading market and craft-doing, and the monster hunting and pit fight and the social, with its thundering drums...
A person can dream, no?
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