Monday, 16 September 2019

Skywise Seppa ideas

So I started some sketches and collecting items that could work. Yes, I know, I still don't know whether the group will have me, but my imagination's burning with this.

I suppose including an image of some Imperial Orcs might be a good idea to help illustrate my inspiration.

A group of Skywise Orcs walk through Anvil. Photograph by me.

In the second image, are my rough ideas almost immediately after discussion with one of the group. Group motif, then general possible embellishment, either via paint on fabric/leather, or embroidery on fabric, or appliqué.

Third image is my starting list of what I do have, what I could do, etc.

The fourth image is my ideas for customising shop-bought stuff or alterations or items that I could make because I have the fabric to make it. Ideas for possible embellishment placement to customise generic stuff. You might notice the war-skirt is absent from this drawing; I have something already and will be adding a textile layer once I have access to a cutting table again.

Overall, orc kit, regardless of status of barbarian or Imperial, is rustic. I can play with the sewing and embroidery and not have to worry about being too neat and tidy. I can lie on grass and mud and collect stains and scuffs to add that well-worn quality. I'll need to make some patches for places like elbows knees, and inner thigh where things have worn. Maybe at the collar or allow that button to come off or break.

I also need to figure out what my tat will be. LARP costumes pretty much need tat; a costume is costume, and incomplete, without the tat. With Imperial Orcs, the tat is often translated into items-of-worth, and one needs a story for each piece of tat one wears.

One might notice that the necklines are always high, and that the wrists are covered, and that a body is bulked up by layers. The out-of-character reasons are to hide where the mask ends, and not needing/wanting to paint too much of the body with the orcish-coloured paints. In-character, it's to disguise the signs of slavery, the collar and cuffs left behind scars. For the younger orcs, they emulate their elders, even if they were born free, as a sign of respect to their heritage. A scantily-clad scandalous orc is one who has their arms or other body parts (except their head and fingers) naked.

Another Skywise Orc in discussion with a Leaguer and a Highborn. Photograph by me.

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