Monday, 23 September 2019

Seppa, becoming a Skywise


Player events can help find one's character; to begin to discover their personality, as well as a useful environment to kit-test. I realised this morning that I shouldn't have used 'Skywise' yet in front of Seppa's name, ey isn't officially a Skywise until the play's happened, which isn't until November. I apologise for the gaff in my exuberance to embrace it. This doesn't mean I won't still work on the costume and such.

Also, I saw the kit explosion post in the Imperial Orcs group, yeah, the bar went up again. I'll be busy cutting and sewing during the Long Dark, but I'm looking forward to doing it. I do need to also look at cleaning, sorting, photographing, and selling Ieri's customised pieces and downsizing the sari stash to free storage for Seppa's kit.

At E1, I'll be looking at a cored knife or two, to go with the axe and buckler. I usually don't go armed anywhere in Anvil, so I'll have to shift my headspace from pacifist to warrior.

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