Saturday 8 February 2020

Leather belt work, the result

This past Thursday, I got together with Galla's Emporium to finish dyeing the belt. We also made a belt pouch for Seppa's coins or other small bits.

I digress, this post is supposed to be about the belt; the pouch is another post in a future date, come back if one wants to read about it.

Seppa's belt:

As one knows, we had tooled the belt with the twisting ribbons altered to fit in the width of the new belt and cleaned it up to make it easier to carve on future projects. We spattered some dyes across the leather, and dropped some tools on it to divot and ding the leather to give it that rustic effect. It wasn't completely finished, but it was sufficient for the time being, as I had two player events to get through before we could have another leatherworking session.

That's better.
We used a saddle brown dye over the top of it, and rubbed it into all the skipped areas, and allowed it to pool in the tooling to help emphasise them. The saddle brown also softened the black and red dyes we previously smeared over the belt. I'm satisfied with the result. We also dyed the sides and back, to help seal the leather a little bit more.

One knows I couldn't show off the pouch too.

I'll need to strike the belt against a boulder a few times to soften it, and rub in some beeswax, but the belt is otherwise ready to go.

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