Thursday, 22 January 2009

Well drat...

I was doing so well and was so happy with my progress on the second hat... but then when I tried doing a decrease every 8 stitches, that went ok, then I went to do the second row and I messed up. I tried to tink it and messed up. >.<

So I tried ripping back. Bad idea, I can't seem to get the stuff back on the needles correctly.

Moral of this story: even hats done in simple knits might need a lifeline. From now on, I'll be adding a lifeline on the last normal knit row before starting decreases... then if I bodge the decreases (which I seem to like to do >.< ) I don't have to rip the whole hat to bits and start from the cast on again -- which is what I'm going to have to do with this one.

Oh and... 104 stitches with the Robin Service DK for a hat works out pretty nice, no gaps and not so tight around my skull, so it ought to be just fine for the BISS donation.


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