Friday, 16 January 2009

More about that second piece

Hurry up and dry already! *pouts*

Anyway, I've washed the piece in very soapy water and then let it soak for about 20-30 minutes to help the soap flakes get in to the fibre and get the oil out of it. Thorough rinse and it has bloomed considerably. The brown that had practically disappeared while weaving is now more visible. The gaps in between the warp and weft have definitely closed up and it doesn't feel very stiff while it's wet. I hope the drape/hand doesn't change too dramatically once it's dry.

I've got a wall radiator downstairs that puts out a lot of heat (and it totally ignores the thermostat settings, too...) so I'm going to hang the piece on the drying rack in front of the radiator.

Now I get to search through my stash for what I'll do next. I really like (though it's fiddly) the 12.5 dpi heddle, but I haven't tried the 10 dpi the loom came with and I haven't tried the 7.5 dpi. I know I want to continue (for now) working with wool/hair yarns and perhaps mixed with other fibres too (silk or cotton).

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