The Handwoven Wrap
Weaving (at last)
Yay, finally on to the weaving.
This took a while to complete, partly because of the fine yarns, and partly because I got annoyed with myself and let it sit for a week or two when the flax-linen yarns frayed and broke.
I've never loaded my shuttles in this manner, but as I'd seen someone else load their shuttles this way, I thought, "I'll try that."
I think I decided I would remain with the Shetland yarns, except for the far right, which is lambswool, and the far left, which is one of the silk yarns. I would delve into other yarns as I went.
Getting the weaving started.
I suppose it shows that I had no firm plans and just wanted to experiment and play and not take this too seriously. Or, that's how it started out; it changed as I went along, I began thinking about how this could work as a story-shawl to become an item-of-worth.
I perhaps should have paid attention when the flax-linen sagged when I stopped for the evening. I didn't.
ARRGH! The flax-linen warp yarn frayed and then broke, the other flax-linen yarns started looking a little dodgy too. I put it aside for a while. I guessed that I was perhaps half-way through the piece when this happened.
I carried on, limping it, though the flax-linen continued to fray and bunch up and get progressively awkward to work with. I used sewing pins to help secure the broken warp threads in order to continue the weaving.
Going with the notion that this would be Skywise Seppa's story wrap, and that ey wove it during the long autumn-to-winter stay in Segura, of the Brass Coast, I decided to add this small band of 'copper' mylar sewing thread between the two bands of blue. It's quite subtle, and almost gets lost amongst all the other yarns' colours and activities. This represents that time in the Brass Coast, aiding the Freeborn.
I finally reached the end of the weaving, yay. I learned from this piece, some yarns work better than others, etc.
Note: none of the other bands have any meaning yet, I'm sure Seppa will inform me of what they meant to em when the time comes.
[concluding in part 4, the finishing]
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