Friday, 3 May 2013

a knitting mention... for a change.

So after sitting dormant in a bag for... years? I've taken up an old project, the Baktus scarf, with the intent of finally finishing it. Yes, about time some of these hanging projects got finished. I think for a change I flew in my knitting because I've managed to do about ten inches in the past 12hrs. Astounding.

Part of what kicked off the desire to finish it had to do with my current project: uncluttering my home and disposing of hundreds of magazines that have accumulated for ten years. The craft magazines I'm sharing with other craft friends after I've removed the patterns, techniques and so on that I want from the magazines. My craft friends have gobbled them all up and I think only one, maybe two, actually ended up in the recycling bin out of the 40 or so mags I've so far shared out. And those were just the knitting mags with a half dozen or so painting, beading or other forms of crafts.

The magazine piles are shrinking... I think over the summer I'll deal with the Vogue, photography and non-craft mags, still too many of those piled about.

I guess I should thank the mice for annoying me enough to get on with uncluttering my home.

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