Today's adventure found me a few delightful objects, I'll have to take some photos tomorrow and add them here.
I found an early 1900s inkwell, brass with a leather cover, produced by 'Hawthorne - stationer, printer & co' on 36 Clumber Street in Nottingham.
Several military brass buttons and 'stay bright' metal buttons for various WWII uniforms. I figure they might go nicely on a hat or bag.
A sterling silver albert chain with a slightly crushed bear charm. It seems the bear is hollow and so its belly and muzzle were caved in. Still a delightful little charm about 2cm tall. Now to find a suitable pocketwatch to go with said albert chain.
Now, I'm not into football (either the US variety or the rest of the world's variety), but I did spot a medallion whose shape appealed to me. Sterling silver and engraved on the back...
(hmm, "any man's"?)
I figure it would do for a charm on a bracelet or hat or some such.
The last and largest item was a sewing box. Three cloth-wrapped weights, a packet of Great Yarmouth sewing needles, four brass and nickle thimbles, several wooden spools of vintage cotton and Sylko, JP & Coats and another brand of threads, several plastic or metal crochet hooks and a needle (missing its partner), five pairs of scissors (all slightly different), 3 small squares of lace and two identical larger pieces of lace, some lacy and elasticated decorative ribbon. The box is wood with brass hinges, it's covered in faded decorative flower paper. Tempted as I am to try to spot-clean the paper, I can also see it has metallic effects in the paper and I'd rather not destroy it by trying to wipe it with a damp cloth. Admittedly, it's not in the best of shape, the hasp is completely missing and the corners and edges are a bit dinged. Still, it's a lovely box about 30cm long and about 15cm high. There's a divided wood tray inside. It's still quite servicable in its own way.
I probably paid too much, however, I'm delighted by the objects, they have an interesting feel. And now I just realised I genderqueered... a sewing box, but then an inkwell, albert chain, football medallion and WWII buttons... I guess I tilted towards the masculine...
Anyway, part of my reason for these is yes, I'm a creature for antiques with character, but also antiques I can use and... I think they'll be handy props for the book covers photography project ^_^ Go-go multiple use items!
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