Wednesday, 17 February 2010

a steampunk - gaslight fantasy costume

So my elder asked me what character I might build my costume around for conventions and events, one based on Steampunk or Gaslight Fantasy.

(This ties in with the chain belt I'm still working on.)

And this is what I came up with. I'll see about some photos tomorrow of the 'rough beginnings' of a costume for this character.

"travelling companion, holder of packages, little voice of caution or incaution... sometimes damsel in distress, sometimes the one doing the rescuing..."

- I have a black hat that is undecorated, wide-brimmed and lovely wool. I have some crow and raven feathers that the birds have freely gifted me on their own, moulted feathers collected from the ground. I have some quartz crystals and copper wire. I think I will wrap the crystal and the feathers to create a centrepiece for the hat and some black or some suitable colour of grosgrain ribbon for the hatband. -- Need to check on what ribbons I have.

- I have a purple-plum long skirt that is 'distressed' and 'frayed' at the hem, it's long but not floor legth, it ends around the lower calf. Made of cotton.

- I have some black and purple Bald Mountain custom made boots. Leather.

- I have a teal and purple plaid neckerchief. Cotton.

- I have a black jacket with brass buttons. Cotton and brass.

- I have a white voile shirt. Cotton.

- I have black gloves. Leather.

- I have some coptic-style bound books that I can use for a prop. I did build and bind them myself, but they're empty and require some 'filling' to gain more function, perhaps adding a small travelling bottle of in and well.

I can likely get some suitably loud or complimentary coloured tights/leggings for the wintertime.

I think bracers for optional costume changes or seasonal options would be useful.

The copper belt I'm working on. I also have glass bottles and some ready-made chain that I can hook together for the fantasy elements. I think hawk bells and one of the Kwan-Yin bells would add some movement.

I am looking at building a set of prayer beads, I think the end token, instead of a cross will be either one of the St Christopher medals or perhaps my comedy/tragedy charms or perhaps a Goddess charm.

I'm still working on that lucet cord for costuming.

I now have some clock parts and watch pieces, would like to find a suitable locket of brass to go on the chain.

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